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[size=4][b]Human Pheromones Odor - the Mystery of Male Human Pheromones Solved[/b][/size][hr]Fair amount of mystery about male pheromones exists. The power of men's pheromones is compelling enough, once you understand what they are and what they do.

[size=large][b]To Recap: the Power of Men's Pheromones is Compelling and[/b][/size][hr]You can think of pheromones as chemical messages from one member of a species to another, instructing them to behave in certain ways. In 2006 has definite proof existed for the effect of human male pheromones on human female physiology.

Amazingly, even though these messenger-like substances have been known to exist in other sex tips for hookups, it wasn't until the 1980s that scientists proved the existence of human pheromones. And only since 2006 has definite proof existed for the effect of human male pheromones on human female physiology. Saying that all that is written here is all there is on Pheromones would be an understatement. Very much more has to be learnt and propagated bout Pheromones.

Musk is a well-know pheromone scent, undoubtedly the one that people are most familiar with. For century upon century, people have created scents from the musk or musk-like secretions of various animals-ox, deer, beaver, mouse, cat-all in the hope of unleashing an irresistible animal magnetism driven by the power of these mysterious substances. However, only members of the same species respond to the chemical message in pheromones, so, while these products might have bolstered the self-confidence of the men who used them, they had no direct effect on women. We hope you develop a better understanding of Pheromones on completion of this article on Pheromones. Only if the article is understood is it's benefit reached.

[size=large][b]To Different Women, Male Pheromones can Smell Pleasant, Neutral, or Offensive[/b][/size][hr]One of the factors that seems to determine women's response to male pheromones is the degree to which their genetic material is the same as that of the man from whom the pheromones came. Human pheromones seem to act as an unconscious mate-selection system, helping to increase the diversity of the gene pool. As you progress deeper and deeper into this composition on Pheromones, you are sure to unearth more information on Pheromones. The information becomes more interesting as the deeper you venture into the composition.

Quote:[list][*]Pheromones are hormone-like chemicals that are created naturally in many species: insects, reptiles, and mammals, including humans.[*]The presence of pheromones in other species has been well documented for many years.[*]Some people confuse them with neuropeptides, which form the basis of all neurotransmitters, including serotonin, but this is inaccurate.[*]Some people also claim that human pheromones trigger anti-aging physiological responses, but the scientific basis for these claims is unclear.[*]The title of this composition could be rightly be Pheromones.[*]This is because what is mentioned here is mostly about Pheromones.[/list]

[list][*]Male pheromones are powerful enough as it is, without having effects on brain neurotransmitters or protecting you against aging.[*]They're an entirely unique substance in nature, because they directly affect the behavior of individuals within the same species.[*]You can think of pheromones as chemical messages from one member of a species to another, instructing them to behave in certain ways.[/list]

[b]Addition to investigating the effect that male pheromones have on women's hormones and their brain activity, researchers have also studied whether pheromones affect women's moods and perceptions.[/b]

One of the earliest studies of the effect of male pheromones on women's moods, samples from the underarms of men were applied to the upper lips of women. The men had refrained from using deodorant for four weeks, presumably because the antibacterial properties of deodorant can inhibit the conversion of secretions from the apocrine glands in the underarm into the pheromones androstenol and androstenone. There are many varieties of Pheromones found today. However, we have stuck to the description of only one variety to prevent confusion!

Similar study applied androstadienone to the upper lips and necks of women and gave them a series of psychological tests that lasted for two hours. The tests were tedious, and women who received androstadienone maintained their initially positive mood far longer than did women who received an inert control substance. Writing on Pheromones proved to be a gamble to us. This is because there simply seemed to be nothing to write about in the beginning of writing. It was only in the process of writing did we get more and more to write on Pheromones.

Another difficulty in this type of study is that they tend to use extracts from the underarms of men. They include a number of substances that are believed to function as pheromones: androstadienone or AND, androstenol, and androstenone. As you'll see below, these substances seem to have conflicting or opposite effects on women's perceptions, making it difficult to attribute a response to any one male pheromone. There is a vast ocean of knowledge connected with Pheromones. What is included here can be considered a fraction of this knowledge!

[Image: Defiance-Devil-in-the-Dark-Hellbug-momma338.jpeg]
[size=medium][b]Sparklyprettybriiiight | Defiance: “the Devil in the Dark” (Review[/b][/size]

[size=large][b]Another Study, Both Men and Women Wore Masks to Which Androstenol Had Been Applied[/b][/size][hr]They then rated photographs of strangers. Women represented in photographs were perceived to be more attractive, sexier, and friendlier than when rated by people who were not exposed to androstenol. The men pictured were perceived to be more warm and approachable. So after reading what we have mentioned here on Pheromones, it is up to you to provide your verdict as to what exactly it is that you find fascinating here.

[list][*](While application to the upper lip might sound like a bizarre ritual, it mimics the circumstances under which pheromones transfer from men to women.[*]An extended period of contact is usually involved-and the women wore the pheromones on their upper lips for six hours.[*]The application directly under their nostrils also ensured that their brains received a continual stream of chemical messages.[*]Finally, pheromones often transfer from men to women via direct skin contact, through shaking hands, hugging, or even a casual kiss of greeting.)[/list]

[size=large][b]Do Pheromone-Influenced Perceptions Results in More Sexual Activity?[/b][/size][hr]The only study that seems to document this connection found that men who used a male pheromone product for six weeks experienced more sexual behavior involving a female partner than did men who didn't use the product. Objections to this study include the fact that the chemical formulation of the pheromone product-and even what male pheromones it contained-was not disclosed. The results of this study have not been duplicated elsewhere.

[list][*]The primary difficulty in evaluating the impact of male pheromones on emotions and perceptions of women is that these factors are subjective.[*]That is to say, unlike hormone levels and brain activity as measured by sophisticated scanning techniques, they can't be objectively measured.[*]Pheromones are versatile as they are found in all parts and walks of life.[*]It all depends on the way you take it[/list]